Name Doctor

Namedoctor has 82,000 different names from all over the world. Experts in etymology have spent years researching names and their history in order to preserve the meanings and display them accurately.

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Name of the Day

(masculine) Peiszisztratosz


This name derives from the Ancient Greek “Peisístratos (Πεισῐ́στρᾰτος),” composed of two elements: “peîsis (πεῖσῐς) peíthō (πείθω)” (convince, persuade) plus “stratós ‎(στρᾰτός)” (army, military force). In turn, the name means “the one who persuades or convinces the army.” 1) Peisistratos, Latinized Pisistratus, the son of Hippocrates, was a ruler of ancient Athens during most of the period between 561 and 527 BC. 2) Peisistratus, a figure in Greek mythology, was the youngest son of Nestor. He became an intimate friend of Telemachus, son of Odysseus, and traveled with him on his unsuccessful search for his father (Odyssey III, 36, 400).

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