masculine Eldon

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old english (anglo-saxon)
Name Root:
Hilden > Eldon
This name derives from an English surname from a place name meaning “Ella’s hill” in Old English. It is locational and originates from one or any of the places such as Hilden in the counties of Hampshire or Kent, or Yelden in the county of Bedfordshire, or possibly in some cases from a now ‘lost’ medieval village of which the surviving surname is the only public reminder.



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Where is the name Eldon popular?

International Interest for Eldon

Interest is based how many people viewed this name from each country and is scaled based on the total views by each country so that large countries do not always show the most interest. Darker blue on the map indicates that people in the country are more likely to search for this name.

world popularity of Eldon

Popularity & Ranking

United States Ranking #2463

Namedoctor Weekly Ranking #0


New Age Curiosities

Numerological Values: #5

If the chosen name for your baby has a number value of 5, it suggests brilliance, enthusiasm, energy and versatility. These individuals are believed to be adventurous and love their freedom. They like challenges and get bored with routine. They often need several activities to keep their active mind occupied.

Chakra Number: #5
Throat Chakra "Vishuddha"

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and its color is blue. It is one the three primary colors. The main energy of blue is communication and it is the color used to soothe the soul. Explore this Divine color in depth, learn what it means and what it represents.

Color meaning: Blue

The color blue is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention. Blue hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way. From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. This color exhibits an inner security and confidence. You can rely on it to take control and do the right thing in difficult times. It has a need for order and direction in its life, including its living and work spaces.

Name Songs

Notable People and Personalities

Eldon Arthur Johnson (1919–2001), Canadian politician
Eldon Danenhauer (born 1935), American Football League player
Eldon Davis (1917–2011), American architect
Eldon Dedini (1921–2006), American cartoonist
Eldon Edwards (1909–1960), Ku Klux Klan leader
Eldon Garnet (born 1946), Canadian artist and novelist
Eldon Gorst (1861–1911), Consul-General in Egypt
Eldon Grier (1917–2001), Canadian poet and artist
Eldon Griffiths (born 1925), British former politician and journalist
Eldon Hoke (1958–1997), American musician
Eldon Jenne (1899–1993), American pole vaulter and college football and basketball coach
Eldon Lautermilch (born 1949), Canadian politician
Eldon Maquemba (born 1984), Angolan footballer
Eldon Miller (born 1939), American college basketball coach
Eldon Nelson (1927–2012), American jockey
Eldon Rathburn (1916–2008), Canadian film music composer
Eldon Rudd (1920–2002), American politician
Eldon Shamblin (1916–1998), American guitarist and arranger
Eldon Woolliams (1916–2001), Canadian politician